A Status Report from your Dadmins

  • Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying! We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types. Sign up today to have access to our forums and join our other talented members!

    After signing up, be sure to check your spam folder for our confirmation email. Due to the nature of most email servers' filters, emails from Umbra are often incorrectly marked as spam. Don't forget to check your spam folder and mark our emails as safe so you can continue to receive emails and notifications from your new roleplaying home!
  • Hi there Guest! It looks like you haven't verified your email just yet - you should receive a notification from umbraroleplaying@gmail.com (it may go to your spam) with a link to click. Once you do that, this notice will disappear!
  • Hi there Guest. As a reminder - when you are updating/editing your threads in the Requests areas - it is sent to our approval queue to be checked against our site rules. It will take about 24 hours to approve and post. Questions can be sent to Auntie Angel!
  • Hi there Guest! This message is to let you know that leadership is aware there is an error in the posting of badges - that the image links themselves are broken. Rei is working to move the items to a different img host, but it may take a little while for the transition to be complete.
Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Hey guys.

For the past couple months, things have been quiet here on Umbra. We haven't organized any events, we haven't made updates. Given the state of the world and the situations we've all found ourselves in over the last few months, it's perfectly understandable that real life would force us to put aside luxuries like roleplay to deal with the mental strain.

But to be clear: we are still all in with Umbra.

When we started to write out and plan Umbra just about a year ago, we did so with a definite goal in mind. We wanted to be a better, healthier, safer, more communicative site. We told everyone we wanted to do more. We might have dropped the ball when it comes to proving that, though.

There's been some frustration over the course of learning how to run a site like this. We've reached out repeatedly for feedback, and haven't gotten much more than vague impressions and silence in return. We want to build a site that you guys want to use, and we need your help to do that.

In the interest of transparency, we want to acknowledge that we haven't done as much as we could have to back up our claims of being trustworthy. To that end, we have been thinking of ways to help you help us, to open up convenient, direct, and useful paths for you to communicate what you'd like to see for Umbra moving forward.

We get it. Sometimes telling admin what you think is intimidating. Some of you only want to write your roleplays and aren't interested in extracurriculars. That's totally fine! For all of you who just want to write, keep at it. We appreciate your dedication. But if you feel inclined to build a better Umbra with us, we have hopefully found a way to make it easier for you to share your ideas.

Below you will find a link to a short (only four questions!) survey intended to collect your feedback to help us make Umbra even better in this upcoming year. This survey is completely anonymous. We wanted to ensure anonymity for anyone who may be shy in sharing their opinion or worried about administrator retribution (we've seen it happen on other sites in the past, we definitely do not want that to happen here).

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to fill out our survey, and to everyone who has joined our site looking for a safe, comfortable place to write your wonderful stories. We're honored to have you here with us.

If you are interested in taking the survey, please click here.