Operation Silver Cross: A Supernatural Task Force

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Looking for Roleplays with multiple members within one story.
Jul 5, 2019
in a shell
You are a member of Obsidian, a highly secretive organization of supernatural creatures and trusted humans. It was originally created in 1876 to keep the peace between human and supernatural, and it continues to do so to this day. It upholds law and ensures the safety of supernaturals and humans alike, protecting creatures from prejudice and harm, and protecting humans from forces they are unaware of.

It is the year 2087, and Obsidian continues its practices, stronger than ever. Every populated region of the world has a sector of Obsidian pulling some strings. It has essentially become its own government and has technological and magical advancements far beyond what regular civilians could comprehend. They are the leaders in just about every technology, but they remain mostly under wraps, working with governments in secret, and going to occasional extreme measures to keep themselves hidden.

As threats continue to appear, Obsidian continues to administer people to solve said threats. One such threat is nothing particularly new, but it has been deemed dangerous enough that a group of specific agents have been instructed to deal with it before it gets out of hand. You are part of this squad.

Operation Silver Cross, an infiltration mission of great importance. Vampires have overrun the underbelly of Miami, a place one would not initially expect to find nests upon nests of vampires. Though they are scarce during the day, usually having their human cattle do what needs to be done, during the night they crawl through the streets and the clubs, preying on whatever human they can get their hands on. OSC has been tasked with eliminating this vampire menace by disposing of the leaders of the nests by whatever means necessary, and either destroying or arresting any remaining lesser vampires.

You've been selected because of skills useful to such a mission, mostly skills useful towards recon and espionage. Led by a task force leader, this is your mission, and you are expected to succeed or die trying.

Howdy hey there my dudes. I'm trying to get back into the swing of RP so I decided to do a small group. A list of things I am looking for:
1. Intermediate posters. I'd like consistent 2-4 paragraphs.
2. Good grammar and spelling. Obviously doesn't need to be perfect, we all screw up, but please be readable.
3. Posting speed of one post per 1-2 weeks at least. More posts would be great.
4. A group of 4-6 players with one character each. IF (and that is a huge-ass if) it comes to it later in the RP, I would allow the making of a second character, but for now just one per person.
5. Team players. This is very much going to be an espionage mission, so that means quiet and more subdued. I won't accept people who want to make flashy, large characters. Obsidian wouldn't put your character on this team if they were that conspicuous. Means no dragons, phoenixes, Hulks, etc. If I find your character likely wouldn't fit in the team, I'll let you know. (bonus points if your character would work extraordinarily well with another team member)
Also just as a note, all characters should be moderately old members of Obsidian. Newbs wouldn't be assigned to this. Minor lore will come about when the OOC gets made.

Current Open Spots
Squad Leader- Tarieles
Agent #1- open
Agent #2- open
Agent #3- open
Agent #4- open
(if a couple more than 4 people are interested I'll add the other two spots)

I think that's everything for now. Let me know if you would be interested in this and if you have questions. If we hit 4 people interested, I'll start working on the OOC.
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