Greetings from up in the Clouds

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Hiya everyone! I'm Nefelibata, a 20 year old gal with a love for writing, all things cute and/or fluffy, unicorns, video games, drawing, self inflicted torture through my chosen major of fashion design, and stories. This being said, I've been writing stories of my own since I was a child and I even began role playing when I was about 14, so while I'm completely new to this site I'm no novice to rping. That also being said... I am rather rusty as it's been a good 2-3 years since I've actually sat down and tried writing more than an ocasional short story aside from my research papers for school. Hopefully I'll be able to tap back into my creative writing by formulating new stories with some of you lovely people in this community!

I'm open to both 1-on-1 and group rps. I'm also interested in exploring new genres of rps however I'm a complete sucker for crime, mystery, romance, and even historical rps (particularly roaring 20's rps). But as long as there's a good plot in mind I'm all for it! I'm also open for more adult rps however I'd prefer if we kept things at least an 50-50 split between smut and plot. As far as characters go I prefer to play as a female since that's how I personally identify and I feel like I best portray characters in this category. As for the gender my partners play, I don't really have a preference so feel free to play a character that you prefer!

Anywho I hope my introduction piques someone's interest, and if it does feel free to send me a dm or respond to this thread! It's a pleasure to meet you all and I can't wait to get to know this community and get started writing up new stories with some of you!

P.S. I just wanted to leave a quick note for the gods/goddesses who made the option to use my favorite font on here!!!! On some of the sites I rped on years ago use to be a bit of a hassle to use this font or other fonts when I was posting on a mobile device, so needless to say I can't thank you enough for this and my excitement is through the roof right now!!!!!
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Welcome to Umbra! We're really glad to have you here in our wonderful corner of the internet.

What made you want to get back into roleplaying and storytelling?

I hope that you enjoy yourself here with us and no doubt that you will because we're a friendly bunch!

Good luck and happy writing! ❤
Welcome to Umbra! We're really glad to have you here in our wonderful corner of the internet.
What made you want to get back into roleplaying and storytelling?

I hope that you enjoy yourself here with us and no doubt that you will because we're a friendly bunch!

Good luck and happy writing! ❤

Thank you so much for the warm welcome!!

I wanted to get back into role playing and storytelling because I've simply missed writing creatively and I wanted to make more time for myself to sit down and do such that. Most of my time is usually taken up by school, networking events, work, etc. so it's not often that I really set aside time for myself to do other things I enjoy so I'm hoping that by getting back in rping and making a commitment to write with others again will allow for me to make more time in my schedule to sit down and write. What about yourself? What drives you to write/role play? What do you find most enjoyable about it? Is it the chance to escape reality? The suspense of see what sorts of twists your writing partner(s) will give to your story? Is it watching how your character develops overtime through their experiences? Or is it something else?

Thank you! And I can tell you all seem super friendly and amazeballs and I hope so too! Happy writing to you as well and I hope your day is/was superb!