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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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A place to talk through and discuss our thoughts
Oooh! This is real good!

I have a random OC I made up for a Super RP on the site here and I'm hella inspired by it. I just wanna post back and forth.

I had another one a while back that was very similar but it died off, unfortunately.
Also my top energy has been burning HARD. so it's been something, haha!!! Really hankering for the femme fatales.

What about you, Kitti?
I have a goddess character named Ianuaria, which is a Celtic goddess that I haven't been able to find much info on. I decided to make my own adaption of her. The goddess was originally depicted as a young girl with flowing hair and a pleated dress holding panpipes and danced with bulls and was accompanied as a companion to the Roman Apollo. My version of Ianuaria had been adopted into the Roman pantheon and became an apprentice to Janus. She gained the title of Janus (gaining him the two faced iconography) as she grew into an adult. Just like most gods in pantheons, she got into a relationship with Mars, but after Jupiter tricked her by turning himself into Mars and attempted to take her for himself, she left the pantheon. Since then, she has hidden among mortals, her original name Ianuaria was lost over time. The less people believe in a god, the more likely they are to fade out of existence. The luscious blonde hair became a platinum blond, nearly white. Her complexion just as pale. She goes by White Foster now, and works as a doctor.

I have White in a rp right now and I'm loving it. It makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
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I have White in a rp right now and I'm loving it. It makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

Yoooo, that sounds amazing?? I love god pantheons so much. That's defiitely one of my go-tos for making deity characters as a whole, though I didn't realize that the Roman gods have fans. People usually swing Greek.

Also my top energy has been burning HARD. so it's been something, haha!!! Really hankering for the femme fatales.

What about you, Kitti?

Ooooh, femme fatale, you say? Remind me to poke you later~

So, currently I have been jonsing really hard for a couple of things. I have be dying to play my iteration of Hades in a Hades/Persephone story. I had it going for a second, but that partner disappeared after a couple posts and I was super sad. Nobody wants to play with my icy boi... -sad face-

But I've also been itching for all of my stories here on Umbra, honestly. They're just so good.
You've got the tragic girl with a dark past with @Nyctibius
You've got the cursed punk with @Nevermind
And you've got the brainwashed glorified police attack dog with @Observing Trifles

I've been dying to get back into their stories, but I haven't had the energy to put out anything worth while just yet -sob- But i'm definitely going to try soon because I crave good stories!
Due to what I call the September Fuckies, most of my muses are dead and buried right at the moment, but I'd say perhaps my loudest and most constant is Theodore Carson Wake.

He's a demigod, and he's kind of a huge dick. Not what you would call a people-person. Not a bad sort, really, but definitely not good with people. He has some special fire abilities, including pyrokinesis and total immunity to heat and being burnt. He's had a number of backstories, and is in fact my oldest OC (well, second oldest, but Matteo is sort of retired). I think my favorite backstory for him has him as a former soldier caring for his ailing mother, only to find out that she's actually a 3000-year-old goddess and that it's on him to save his divine aunts and uncles, for better or for worse.

Good shit.
I, uh. I've been writing a tech billionaire/serial killer, recently, that, um. I really enjoy. I like unfolding his personality, his odd quirks. Part of the fun is that, when he's interacting with someone else, he's 'on the hunt,' so it's a sort of performance, a game of earning their trust, getting them vulnerable, y'know? So it's a multi-layered thing, in terms of, how much of his present oddity is an act and how much is genuine? And even if an action is just a purposeful performance, doesn't that itself belie something of his nature? Yes? Answering, truly, who this man is would be a fool's errand, as his identity has been long too wrapped in performances and artificiality. Hell, does he even know himself at this point? He operates on something between animal instinct and mechanical logic, his steps measured and soulless, precise and planned at each juncture. And yet, understanding why he does what he does is even more difficult if you can't arrive at the core of his being. So there he goes, continuing about, a sort of cypher wandering the Earth; a dangerous, venomous predator who maintains an icy invulnerability, keeping himself strictly unpiercable, inscrutable, unsearchable. Some people are said to put up walls. This man has put up a bomb shelter, and sunk his soul in the deep, buried under dirt and time and death. Surely, nobody stands a chance at reaching him, at forming a genuine connection...

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I'm always a slut for my character Sable.

I'm not writing a ton with him right now, but the more I can bring him out the better. He is one of my oldest characters, being at least 5 years old in my brain. He's a demon of hatred and malice and all that good shit, but he's a super nice guy and really just wants to be a dad. He loves to give people presents to make them happy and is all around a good bean. His favorite things to buy for people are cakes and pastries and candy, sweets in general. He craves human connections (or non-human, he don't judge), is a bit of a disaster and a sad-boi when it comes down to it, and is rather naive and can be just a little overly trusting. He loves kids and will always be first in line to babysit. He's not necessarily good with kids, but he loves 'em. Little toddlers and babbies especially tug at his heartstrings. He can also garden a little bit and really likes flowers.

He's been given the nickname of Crimson Daddy by Candi because he is very red (hair and eyes and often clothes because he sucks at fashion and it's all he thinks can really match his hair) and honestly I just love him as a character. He's always bouncing around in my head and when all else fails and I can't think of another character, I can usually pull him out and place him in the setting I need.
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Batman, and not just any incarnation of Batman, but Keaton Batman from 1989 and 1992. I love playing as him and for the most part am always looking for new rps to throw him into. I love it when I can find people to write females who give him a run for his money, a fight that he can't win but tries anyways despite all the signs telling him no.

He is always my go to, but superheroes in general get me giddy with excitement when paired opposite a fantastic villainess.
Tbh, my current character obsession is my Marvel based OC Darkfrost, who is one of those "made a deal she now regrets for power" kind of tragic reluctant villains/anti-heroes. I want to put her in an RP dealing with Asgardians outside of Thor/Odinson seeing as Hrist, the being Darkfrost made a deal with, is a fallen/dark Valkyrie and would be trying to avoid drawing his attention. There's a bit more to her backstory, but I won't go into it here as anyone curious can go read about her in my character thread, if they like.

I have some other lesser muses that I've been more or less paying attention to instead though, mostly relating to the DC setting and my OCs for it. Though honestly, if it's in my character thread, I probably have a muse in the back of my creativity for them somewhere, I just have to dig it out and feed it a bit.

For the most part though, I would dearly love for someone to take up a Marvel/Asgard-related canon to give me a chance to see how far Darkfrost and Hrist can get before meeting really intense/intimidating opposition to Hrist's bloody quest for vengeance. But also like, Mystical/Magical Marvel people would also be kind of interesting, depending on who it is.

I just want to give Darkfrost/Hrist a chance to live the kind of life my other OCs have had elsewhere. I put a lot of work into Darkfrost, but she was never quite the draw that my other characters like Kon-Elle or Beast Girl were. Ah well. Someday, I'll get to open the door she's pounding on from the other side and see what lies beyond.