The Thread of Unpopular Opinions

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Which reminds me: natto isn't that bad if you know how to eat it right.

(If you don't know what natto is, it's Japanese fermented soy beans that looks like snot when you mix it up and eat it. Even the Japanese say it's an acquired taste. It usually has some kind of sauce or seasoning to add to it to make it taste better)
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I honestly do not think aliens exist in our immediate existence. At least, I don't believe we will ever see aliens nor do I think any race of them is "spying" on us for whatever reason. While I'm sure life can be sustained somewhere else in the vast universe, I don't think its plausible for us to be visited, just as we haven't been able to visit another, much less anything past Mars.

As much as I LOVE Mass Effect... I still think it's improbable.
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I don't think Superman is boring at all. Always being just strong enough to get done what needs to be done? Yes, please.
iPhones and Apple products in general are overpriced and overrated.

I once owned an iPod for about a week, dropped it one time about three inches onto a concrete floor, and it broke permanently. Then there's all the stories about iPhones literally bending in people's pockets, that business with the not having a mic jack, the absurd price tag, the user-unfriendliness... just buy an Andriod, or as I like to call them, phones that work. Also note: I'm not that passionate about this and don't aim to offend anyone, just make people laugh. If you read this and WERE offended, stop using iPhones.
The Joker is not meant to be a relatable character in any capacity. He is meant to be the counter-point to Batman's sense of an ordered Gotham, nothing more than that.
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I severely dislike the entire holiday season, all the way from October 1st to December 26th. The fatigue is real. Stop celebrating Halloween a month early. Don't celebrate Christmas two months in advance. IT'S CHRISTMAS. IT'S A DAY. CAN WE NOT PLAY THE MUSIC FIRST THING NOVEMBER FIRST? WHAT IS WR--

Yeah. Not a fan.

I hate Christmas music. I especially hate it when it is played anytime outside of Dec 1 - Dec 25.
My unpopular opinion is that, I think that The Hobbit is a better book than all three of the Lords of the Rings books. I know, crucify me, I understand.

In all seriousness though, I dont "hate" LoTR, it's the granddaddy of the modern fantasy genera, and the movies are a lot of fun. However, when in comes to the writing and characters, The Hobbit is much stronger in those factor. Which as a reader, that is what I like more than lore.
Lore is great and all, but it can only carry a story so far. Just look at the Peter Jackson Hobbit movies as an example of that, them adding all the connections to the LoTR really subtract from the story of the Hobbit as a whole. know, come to think of it, I basically have the opposite opinion when it come to the movies and books. LoTR movies are great (even with the missing of Tom) and the book can be a chore to read through. But the Hobbit book is great, and the movies are a chore to watch.
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