The Auto-Monster!!

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Sleeping Umbran 80

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
The Conjurer The Slayer The Romantic The Giving Apple
Aug 2, 2019
Let your predictive text form a fun sentence. See what sort of tomfoolery our devices can come up with. XD
To start off the next person please provide a word you want their sentence to start with. Example:

Start with: "The"

Sentence: "The site has been updated to provide information about to head home."

(Wow, my phone is boring)

Anyway! Here's a word to start us off!

"Thankfully the same thing happens for the business model of her own cheeks."

Well, that's interesting. XD

Next word is "When" and you can only use the right hand option.
"Smiling at the house today and wont be able to make changes."

Guess my house is good then, lol.

Next word is Wonderful and must use the middle option.
Cheese and I promise I'll get you to k and then went on to the side to the bed.

Not sure what that means, lol.

New word is Always with the left option.
Always been a good idea of what I did you have a few times when they go to the point where they can be a bit of a few times.
Why would you say that the only one that was posted on this list of her own desire was the truth.


New word is "never" with the right hand option :)
What sillyness my phone spewed

"Never thought I was a fan and then against her own words with friends"

You only the middle option for the next 5 words. Hehe.
Whimsical and I promise I can do it again and again.

Sounds kinda.. dirty. Lol

"Before" middle suggestions only :)
"Before I got to her she had her head to the bed."

And you thought yours was dirty @Nytera

"Going" first suggested only
@Lunar Yours is funny!

Going alright with the band before you go to her and she felt like you were a new gift.

Well alrighty then.

"Sometimes" with the last option only.​