Potluck of Plots

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
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Hello! To be brief, I am Novelladonna and, as my name suggests, I'm a Novella writer! If there's one thing I enjoy in a roleplay, it's the amount of detail that one can put into it! If you're an Advanced writer, then please drop in and take a read! I suppose my Paragraph count can range from 3 to ten paragraphs, but I don't expect anyone to get that high unless they feel it! Aside from that, I suppose I dislike Godmodding, as well as first person! I'll likely face claims for my characters, and encourage partners to do the same, if they want. If they do, perhaps we could use realistic face claims?

In any Case, here are my Plots:

[bcolor=#993300]Road Trip[/bcolor]: Characters A and B have grown up together ever since high school, as friends of the highest caliber. Some Good things are destined for end, however. It appears apparent here as, over the years, A has noticed that they have steadily grown farther and farther apart as close friends to mere acquaintances sharing an apartment and fears that once they've both finished college, B will no longer care about A. In a bid to reignite their deteriorating friendship, A plans a wacky road trip for the two of them to go on and hopefully become close again. (Obviously, it has potential for a tad bit of humor, but also dark themes and such for those who crave it, depending on how you create and play the character for this. Also, probably going to involve romance unless asked otherwise! M/F or F/F)

[bcolor=#993300]Tour Guide[/bcolor]: The high seas were violent that night, bringing about dangerous waves. After a dangerous ship wreck en route to a zoo in New York, A young tiger cub is washed up on the beaches of Africa and quickly becomes lost in the mainland of this bizarre, heavily scorching world. A young lion cub, forced away from his scorching by the arrival of a new leader, ends up running into the tiger cub by chance and reluctantly agrees to help the mysterious striped feline survive in the wild lands of Africa. When other African predators, climate troubles and poachers appear on the horizon, the tiger and lion cub must work together to stay alive.

[bcolor=#993300]Rain Check:[/bcolor] It's been a rather grey, rainy evening for A, the uptight and very busy artist making a trip via train to a rural landscape in order to deliver their art to a potential buyer. After getting off the train alongside a single passenger at a station, the two come to find that they will be waiting a full ten hours for their next train to come get them. Despite knowing very little about A's social awkwardness in the presence of others, B opts that they go and explore the city nearby the station together. ( Clearly a romance play, and open to F/F or M/f pairings with this. The setting is Slice of Life Modern, but I wouldn't mind a futuristic or Historical setting! Heck, maybe we could make this work in a Post Apocalyptic environment?)

[bcolor=#993300]Barks and Bites:[/bcolor] It's the year 2020, just half a year after the official decomposition of the Government and Global society as a whole. Character A never really thought many other monsters existed other than the annoyingly persistent hordes of the Undead, especially when they effortlessly tore down the infrastructure of the world as they knew it. Anything else was just from a bunch of old movies that people wouldn't have remembered before the end of the planet. But upon investigating mysterious noises in the midst of an abandoned mall, A comes to discover B--a real life, highly sarcastic werewolf that has somehow managed to survive the dead-infested world as long as A has. What they do now depends on their willingness to tolerate each other. (M/F or F/F)

[bcolor=#993300]When you wish upon an Attractive Djinn:[/bcolor]
A does not recall the day she became a Genie, but she assumes it was a few millennia ago. Or maybe more? Again, she isn't sure. But it's definitely been more than a century since that fateful day. There isn't enough space inside her lamp to make the tally marks, so she just has to guess how long its been since she was summoned by that one greasy old king n what is now North Scotland. Boy, what a chump--he used all ten of his wishes in one day, that greedy ball of lard! At least the emperor before him took a day and a half to exhaust all his wishes.

In any case, she'd become convinced that her lamp has been thrown to the depths of a bottomless ocean, or sealed beneath hardened magma from a volcanic eruption--never to be seen again or even used again. Such a fate might be enough to drive someone insane with fear and isolation, but she'd long since grown bored with being insane and...well, there was no reason for her to fear isolation. Not when all her masters were completely antisocial towards her--not even bothering to ask about her wellbeing before using their wishes. Better to enjoy her loneliness than spend a few minutes in the company of a greedy, filthy soul.

But apparently, her destiny wasn't to spend the rest of eternity in a jar, but to be found in the twenty first century by--a world that A is going to have a rough time readjusting to--by a luckless young woman who hasn't a living clue what to do with a hot, half naked Genie. (I'm open to playing either role! F/F)

[bcolor=#993300]Time is of The Essence:[/bcolor] The past of Earth is a world filled with life, trees and many more. Character A liked it this way at first, her life being lived in the sweltering heat of this one big jungle, where there was plentiful food and places within trees to sleep the day away if she chose to. Things change with the passage of time, however, and The Jungle Woman begins to feel as though she is trapped in this jungle not only by her repetitive lifestyle but by her own lonesomeness, being the only sentient creature or human she's ever seen. Until that shooting Star.

Because within that strange, mechanical star was another human--Character B! He had to have been a wizard, for her adorned her with a magical flashing bracelet and they both randomly understand each other. He also spoke of strange wizard things like "Time Traveler" and "accident with the temporal switch", or even " I'm gonna have to fly to the next three galaxies over to get better power". Filled with excitement at the prospect of seeing new things, A journeys with B to the farthest reaches of space. (M/F)

[bcolor=#993300]The Eyes have It:[/bcolor] The time of Greece is Ancient in these days, with appearances by gods and goddesses often frequent. A young Medusa [A] was content with being alone for the rest of her life, a roaming nomad in a chaotic Greek landscape. While people knew she was only a real danger if you provoked her ire and was otherwise a harmless grump in a cave, she knew that no one would waste their time trying to get to know who she was behind the living snake hair and the petrifying eyes. So she was find with herself, her cave and what little remained of her own dignity. But then, along came this two shoes blind woman--a powerful demigoddess who could actually do a lot of remarkable things despite her impaired vision--asking for Medusa's aid against a rising danger in the east. Eh, what the heck? (F/F, kinda sorta AU Greece?)

[bcolor=#993300]Me & My Eldritch Slime:[/bcolor] In a medieval world, some jobs are a lot weirder than ones in other worlds. Character A, for example, lives their life as a traveling, vigilante sorcerer/sorceress that travels from town to town to aid them. The town has a dragon problem? Goblin raids in the night? Possibility of a witch stealing everyone's kids? Backed up plumbing? Character A handles it all; not exactly with the brightest of attitudes, but not exactly to the rudest levels. In their spare time, A searches for magical means to provide themselves things to live a non-nomadic lifestyle. No longer would A have to rely on going to town to town for money, when they could stay in one place and enjoy life. So when another town complains to them, A goes in believing it'll be another casual job. And it is! Some ill-trained fool tried to summon an Elder God with ink and paper, leaving her to store the resulting mess of black tar and be on her way.

She might have been a but foolish to not have check the black liquid a bit more closely, for she would have realised that the Lovecraftian being has become permanently bonded in the form of the ink and becomes bonded to her as well. Since it lacks the sufficient energy needed to completely possess her, Character A must continue her heroic lifestyle with a crabby, carnivorous and very talkative blob inside her. (Inspired by Venom 2018. M/F or F/F)

[bcolor=#993300]Leather Wings in The Sky:[/bcolor]
The universe is much bigger than anticipated. Character A doesn't like his place in the solar system, the way he is disregarded by the society of his planet by the way he lives. His world is full of other Gorgzins with a age-old ideal--a right to show their rank in society by the kind of pet they had. At first it was usually in the form of an animal species native to his homeworld, both big and small and the idea itself was small. Somewhere in the past Deckron, the idea not only blossomed to law itself but seemed to dictate the need for whatever pet was chosen to be exotic and from some far away place in the vast universe. Though against the social chains bound to him and his people, He sees no alternative other than going forth with a pod to find a suitable trophy. He chooses a very crude formation of mud and water elements in another solar system, filled with warm-blooded apes just barely starting to grasp the concept of what they're capable of together--barely able to grasp time itself, dubbing their current year 1884. He disregarded the far better planetary options--he would at least be the first of his kind to have a pet of the human species, wether they liked it or not.

He should have looked a little deeper into the make up of the planet's most intelligent species, because some were far more different than others. For instance, the woman he managed to capture seems to be abnormally stronger, fiercer and only takes in meals by drinking the entire blood flow from an Organism's body. And this..."Vampire", as she calls herself, is far from agreeable towards his plans. He couldn't blame her, of course. (Where things go is entirely up to the partner! Could a bondage tale, or a slow building romance from a situation where they must work together.)

Steamy Plots:

These involve hypnosis, As it one of my kinks~!

[bcolor=#000080]Conquering a Dragon[/bcolor]: Character A is a dragon and an unfortunately boisterous one at that. Ever since her days as a hatchling, a mere reptile with wings with no idea of the potential dangers of the world, she was always a creature of a very feisty nature. Friendly, to be sure, but also eager to leap into a fight if need be--to prove her strength over others in some weird sense. This kind of fire grew up with her as she learned more skills: flying, breathing fire and doing both even in a human form. While that fiestyness of hers in human form has made her a very desirable dragon from time to time, she would rather spend her time thinking of new feats of strength rather than a mate. Her desires lead her to the forest.

The Gunrho forest, to be exact--supposedly the most dangerous forest in all of the planet itself, home to creatures that mortals feared all the time. But what really drew her attention was the legend of rhe forest; of a creature with enough strength to subdue giants and bend them to their every will. Determined to dethrone the myth if it was real, and to show off while doing it, Character A ventures into the forest in her human form. She soon enlists of a large, yet rather a friendly Naga (a Half man half serpent), Character B, who offers to help her get to the source of the myth himself.

What she doesn't know is that the source of the legend is the Naga himself, with hypnotic strength in ways she couldn't hope to expect from him. And A would make for a very attractive mate, as it seems… (M/F, Prefer to play Naga role)

[bcolor=#000080]Super Seducer[/bcolor]: The City of Ferodo has always had a slightly higher average of criminals, but it has extra help for when the police aren't enough! A dazzling superheroine, an overconfident woman with a temptable amount of cleavage to her suit, has always made quick of criminals trying to rob banks, hold hostages for ransom and the like. The Citizens love her and The Criminals hate that they never have a way of defeating her--especially one such criminal.

After being put away by the caped crusader one too many times, he begins an extensive search into methods of defeating the Superheroine. Efforts lead to him acquire a ring fabled to give the user mental influence over another, a true dominator of the mind. It looks like a fake, cheap item from a dollar store, but he's willing to try anything for some well deserved payback. (M/F, or perhaps F/F. Prefer to be criminal)

Fandoms (I have very few and one single plot, just characters I like):

Avengers (Wanda: Love to play as or with)

RWBY: (Yang: omg I luv her/ Love to play as or With [most likely an AU version])

DCEU:( Mera and/or Diana! See below)

Mera wasn't sure what she expected after she was thrown up from the depths of the Trench and into the darkness of her unconsciousness.

It had been a harrowing week for her, regardless of where she ended up. Abandoning her kingdom in search of the Trident was enough of a doozy on its own, and so was actually finding where the blasted thing was in all the chaos of the surface world--but then she had to actually go and get the thing. She wasn't expecting to actually succeed getting past the horrors of the trench and retrieving the legendary Trident, but it all worked out the same. At the very least, Orm would not have the power to lay seige to any place.

That's how she ended up knocked out, thrown with her newfound weapon out of the depths of the Trench and to the far corners of the earth. Just like she hadn't expected to be worthy of the trident, Mera also didn't expect to wash up on an island cut off from the rest of the world. And she certainly didn't expect to wake up with the hottest surface dweller in history looming over her, pleasantly surprised at seeing an Atlantean.

Mera has no idea where she'll go from here, but she knows it'll be interesting.


Basically a AU roleplay with a little Mera/Wonder Woman as the central plot!
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