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If you like violent, bloody and fucked up anime, the new Baki series on Netflix is pretty good. Otherwise, all I have are classics to recommend, like Tenchi Muyo, El-Hazaard, Robotech and weird obscure shit like Baoh, Space Warriors, Millenium of the Witch and New World Battle Team.
I have very fond memories of Robotech. I even read some of the comics for Robotech II: The Sentinels. Gundam is alright and all, but some of it gets really complicated really fast, and sometimes I just want to know who the actual bad guy is. XD
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My dad and I used to stay up late and watch anime. Robotech and Cowboy Bebop were our favorites. So there's a bit of nostalgia connected to them.

Admittedly, I've only watched the first season of Robotech and the movie that came out in the 2000s. I want to go and watch the other seasons. Then I need to dive into the world of Macross lol. I've only seen bits and pieces but I'm in love with the aesthetic.

im gonna speak a little blasphemy and say I've only seen half of Gundam Wing. I enjoy it but I lost the site I was watching it in. I want to watch other series within the franchise but haven't gotten around to it lol.

Oh yeah, and to mention Netflix anime, I thoroughly enjoyed Kuromukuro
Tbh, almost every Netflix anime I've watched has been pretty good. Castlevania, Ultraman, Baki, SwordGai, and A.I.C.O. were all pretty good.

Though I can't say that the new Berserk was good. It was honestly terrible. I didn't even tough it out just to know what happened in the second season. I made it through season 1, and like 3 or 4 episodes into season 2, before I had to bail out because it didn't know wtf it was doing anymore.

I'd love to start Seven Deadly Sins, but I'm afraid that they've made the tone too much like One Piece, when it went from manga to anime. One Piece is bloody as fuck in manga form, but the first few seasons of the anime I saw had almost none compared to the manga.

Though right now, I'm pondering starting Seis Manos and Kengan Ashura. They both look decent enough, though Kengan has that same horrible cel-shaded 3d modeling that Berserk used, so I might not make it through that one. I don't know. Netflix has a lot to choose from. XD
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Sooooo I binged Seis Manos, and was sadly disappointed. Felt kind of rushed, and there are too many plot points that don't get explained. Also, only 8 episodes. Lame.
It kind of started falling apart once the 2nd old guy showed up. Everything before that was mostly coherent. Though honestly, it'll probably do well enough to at least get some wrap up episodes. 4-5 would do it, if they did it right.
Yeah once Lo showed up the show took a completely different turn. The connection between the immortal and the bruja magic makes me curious. Like, why did El Balde's mother have the same symbol? And what's with Silencio's hair turning white? I was thinking maybe he's some kind of demon or a brujo of sorts himself. They definitely set up for a second season and I'm excited for it lol.

shit is that considered spoilers? Should I put my response in spoilers? XD
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Eh, it's a Netflix show you can watch in one night. My opinion on Netflix shows is, just watch it if it interests you and don't worry about spoiling anything because most Netflix plots aren't that deep anyway.

FORGOT TO MENTION: YES! That Eyebrow thing is driving me fucking bonkers trying to figure out wtf it is about. That's like, the one thing I might continue watching it to find out about.