Lie To Me Sweetly XD

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Sleeping Umbran 80

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
The Conjurer The Slayer The Romantic The Giving Apple
Aug 2, 2019
So this game you post two truths and a lie about yourself. The person after you must try to guess which of the statements is a lie. It'll be interesting to see what sort of stuff everyone comes up with and what others think you have and haven't done. Of course please adhere to the site rules and don't post anything to personal or anything like that. :) Otherwise, have fun!

I'll go first.

  1. I've never been arrested.
  2. I've been swimming with dolphins.
  3. I'm afraid of heights.
Actually it's the second one. ;) Though I think I'd like to swim with dolphins at some point in my life. I havent fully decided though. @Nyctibius

I think the first one is the lie on yours though.​
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I was too scared to play video games at night until I was a teenager.

I met the singer of one of my favorite bands and got his phone number.

I broke my arm after falling out of a tree when I was 13.

I'm guessing the third one is a lie, it happened at a different age.


1) I had a fear of windows as a child. I'm... mostly over it.

2) I have been in seven car accidents. I'm... mostly over it.

3) I once met an eccentric millionaire, had dinner with him, he crashed at my apartment for the night, and after he left the next day I never saw him again. I'm... mostly over it.
Oooo, ouch.

Oh hey, you got it right! I have been in three car accidents. The millionaire was the mentor of a(n ex-)friend of mine. The windows thing was because when I was a toddler our neighborhood had a pervy peeping tom who left a terrifying impression on me in one encounter. I couldn't sleep in a room if I could see out the window, messed me up for years.
  1. I never snuck out of my house as a teenager.​
  2. I've never gotten a traffic ticket.​
  3. I've gotten drunk enough to be thrown out of a bar.​

I guess the first one it was probably a different breed of dog

1) I've had surgery on Christmas Eve
2) I've visited half the states
3) I have 5 pets​
actually I have 5 (3 dogs, a cat and a fish) I actually have only visited about a dozen states no where near half​
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