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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Welcome Jamie! Hope you have a wonderful time here! What is, in your opinion, your favourite genre or fandom to RP in?
Heya Tastyhaggis! (Love the name.)

I'd have to say genre wise, horror is a big love of mine. Anything for gore horror, monster horror, supernatural horror, phychological horror, ect. And fandom wise... That's a bit more of a tricky one to awnser but it would be a tough toss up between Undertale (Purely due to the variety.) and Good Omens? ^-^
Horror to me is one of the hardest genres to write so that's brave! Setting up an atmosphere and keeping the reader hooked on being scared shitless.
Oh, for sure. It's a struggle and it's really easy to let it slip into something boring or even too comical depending on which way you go. But for me it's one of the freshest genres out there. It's the thing in our sociaty that's still new and ever changing. Romance, Mythical, Adventure even Comedy has used many of the same formular since the freaken age of Shakesphare. Not that I don't adore all the genres all the same, but with horror, each year we live on earth there is always a new thing to fear. You can see that in televison today. It wen't from spooky ghosts and monsters to the fear of technology and such.

Sorry to babble, but I really just love horror and all it's form. And embrassing it just makes the fear more fun than scary. XD